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Chapter Events

SFA Crossed Arrows

Here is a list of the chapter events going on throughout the country:

Detachment”A” Berlin Green Berets – 1956-1984

Sometime this fall there will be a dedication ceremony of the Detachment(A) Memorial Stone at the Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) Memorial Plaza Fort Bragg, followed by a Chicken Friday, pay as you go lunch TBA. Following is a proof of the stone.

Bricks Detachment A

As of this printing the following donors were team players in this historic project:
Herman Adler, Thomas Beiver, John Blevins, David Bonewell, Bob Charest, Lawrence Coleman, John Conrad, Bill Coombs, Steve Craig, Mercer Dorsey, William Durand, Grayal Farr, Rocky Farr, Jerry “Paco” Fontana, Danny Fowler, Don Gentry, Peter Gould, George Heib, Roy Hill, Wesley Howard, Wolfgang Kaiser, Darrell Katz, Ralph Keith, Adam Klys, Rolf Kreuscher, Hilmar Kullek, Richard Laritz, Robert Lees, Mike Linanne, Kevin Monahan, Charles Monson, Michael Mulieri, Larry Niedringhaus, Ralph Ormes, Gene Piasecki, Jeff Raker, Juan Renta, Sidney Shachnow, Roger Sherman, Donald Shryock, Douglas Snow, Jimmie Spencer, James, Spoo, James “Styk” Stejskal, Karl Stephan, Thomas Twomey , Ed Trout, Oscar Ward, Bruno Von Haas, D.L. Warriner, Sidney Williams, Robert Wise.

This project was proposed by Jimmy Spoo and organized by Jimmy Spoo, Mike Linanne, Sid Shachnow and Bob Charest. The designer of this stone was Tom Twoomey.

“Detachment”A” Berlin Green Berets POC:
Bob Charest POC
PO Box 905, Marshall, NC 28753
[email protected]